
Grace International Opens Glenroy Office!!!

We are thrilled to announce the formal opening ceremony of Grace International Glenroy Office. The ceremony took place on Friday, June 30, 2023, at our brand-new building in Glenroy, marking the launch of our second outlet in Melbourne and eighth in Australia. It was a momentous occasion graced by more than 50 esteemed education providers, community leaders, students, and well-wishers.

We were honored to have Mr. Dipak Acharya, Director of Grace International Melbourne, deliver a warm and heartfelt welcome speech. He emphasized the immense significance of this program and pledged our unwavering commitment to serving students in the exceptional manner that has become synonymous with Grace International. The event was further elevated by the presence of representatives from various universities, higher education providers, vocational training centers (VET/TAFE), and community leaders who extended their kind words of support and well wishes. We were humbled by their praise for our committed services and unwavering support to both students and the community.

Our Managing Director and Founder, Ram Chandra Poudel, took the opportunity to express his deep appreciation by delivering a vote of thanks. He reflected on the glorious history of Grace International and acknowledged the remarkable journey we have undertaken over the past 17 years. He attributed our success to the tremendous support received from education providers, students, and the community at large. Without their trust and encouragement, Grace International would not have emerged as a trusted name in the field of education and migration services. Ram Chandra Poudel also extended his heartfelt gratitude to our dedicated team at Grace, whose relentless work and unwavering dedication have been instrumental in our achievements.

With 27 outlets across seven different countries, Grace International continues to expand its global presence. We are proud to have successfully established ourselves as a beacon of excellence in the education and migration industry.

We look forward to continuing our journey, guided by our unwavering commitment to providing outstanding services to students and the community. Grace International remains dedicated to shaping the futures of aspiring learners and supporting them in achieving their dreams.

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